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About Us 01
The creativity club
The creativity club is a space where people come to meet and use tools and resources available there, in order to learn through experimentation and play, collaborate and create together as well as to carry out their own projects, share knowledge and solve problems.
Clubs 02
Within the „Creativity clubs in libraries – the pilot edition” project five libraries have launched their creativity clubs. Find out what is happening there.
Resources 03
Find out more about the maker movement and the library as a perfect 21th century maker space. Check how to organize and equip a creative space in the library.
Inspirations 04
Check what to do in a creativity club. Browse ideas for creative activities, get inspired!
Contact 05

.If you have any questions regarding the website or the „Creativity clubs in libraries” project?


Information Society Development Foundation
+48 22 123 90 20
Kopernika 17 Street; 00-359 Warsaw, Poland

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